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Make Your Community Strong


Jessica with her art set a donor sent her from the JCL Amazon Wish List.

Amazon Wish List

Looking for a gift to give directly to JCL residents? Check out their Amazon Wish List. This list was created by our residents, made up on items that they would like to have. These items will ensure they continue to have meaningful days and a variety of activities to choose to complete.



Give a Cash Gift to the JCL Annual Fund

This is an easy way to help your neighbors.


A cash donation made online to JCL is the simplest way to help your neighbors with developmental disabilities.


Almost 87 cents of every dollar received is used to support our guys and programs. We work hard to minimize administrative expenses without loss of programmatic quality. 


You can also mail your check (payable to JCL) to JCL, 34 Jerome Ave, Suite 109, Bloomfield, CT 06002


Pay Tribute to a Person or Special Event

What do you give to someone who has everything? Support a cause important to you and the community.


Pay tribute to a friend, family or co-worker. Celebrate a birthday, graduation, anniversary or another event with a gift. Honorees will receive a card from JCL in recognition of your gift, And you will receive our appreciation for your gift.


Send your honoree's contact information along with your check (payable to JCL) to JCL, 34 Jerome Ave, Suite 109, Bloomfield, CT 06002.


Matching Gifts

Give one gift, then double your impact. What can be better?  Double the size of your gift with a matching gift from your employer.


Check with your company - small or large. Even small companies will match your gift. 


If your company has a matching gift program, request a "matching gift form" from your employer, and send it completed and signed with your gift to JCL, 34 Jerome Ave, Suite 109, Bloomfield, CT 06002. We will follow up.

Support JCL with an Endowment

Support JCL into the future the way you do now. It all starts with your personal vision.


Each year JCL will receive a gift from you through your endowment. Your giving will be recognized in our annual report, year after year to show our gratitude for your support for people with developmental disabilities. Contact Denis Geary, Executive Director or contact the Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Hartford to learn more about endowment giving.


Bequest a Gift to JCL

Help ensure JCL’s long term future with a bequest.


Set aside a gift in your will for JCL or name JCL as the beneficiary of an existing life insurance policy. Tell your family members of your intent to support JCL into the future. Your gift, made through your will, will be combined with others to make a lasting impact on your neighbors with developmental disabilities.

Jewish Association for Community Living

34 Jerome Avenue, Suite 109

Bloomfield, CT 06002

Phone: (860) 522-5225

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