The Jewish Federation of Greater Hartford
The mission of the Jewish Federation is to enhance, build and perpetuate Jewish life in Greater Hartford, in Israel, and around the world through the values of Tikkun Olam (repairing the world), tzedakah (charity and social justice) and Torah (Jewish learning).
​The Israeli Young Emissary program hosts two Israeli teenagers each year to work with the local community sharing Israeli life with us.

The Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Hartford
The center for Jewish philanthropy in Greater Hartford working with individuals and families to create meaningful personal legacies.

Adult Special Needs Program
Adults with developmental disabilities enjoy year-round social and recreational programs designed to enable participants to interact with their peers and improve their social skills, all while developing meaningful relationships.
​The Emissary & Israel Programs
The Emissary & Israel Programs develop Israeli themed programs with the community.

Beth David
Beth David is an orthodox synagogue located in West Hartford. Rabbi Yitzchok Adler, spiritual leader of Beth David, has worked with JCL on many occasions.

Congregation B'nai Tikvoh Sholom (BTS)
JCL has held many programs at BTS and Rabbi Debra Cantor has helped lead our celebrations.

Congregation Beth Israel Youth Engagement
Congregation Beth Israel’s Religious School creates a nurturing and creative environment, inspired by the ritual, spiritual life, and Jewish values of Reform Judaism.

Beth El Temple and SULAM Religious School
Beth El Temple is a conservative, egalitarian synagogue. Beth El Temple supports JCL through the generous use of their space for JCL Shabbat Services and Passover Seders.
​Teachers of pre-K through 2nd grade lay a foundation for Jewish living with a variety of activity-based experiences. For grades 3 through 7, children learn from their teachers, our rabbinic staff and each other. This collaboration began in 2007.

Chai Mitzvah Program
Chai Mitzvah network groups meet monthly with source books on Jewish topics of interest. Each person in the group builds their ‘Jewish Bucket List".

Jewish Family Services of Greater Hartford
This private, nonprofit social service agency provides counseling & psychological services, education and community support for the Greater Hartford area.

Department of Developmental Services
DDS is responsible for the planning, development, and administration of services for persons with an intellectual disability and persons medically diagnosed as having Prader-Willi Syndrome.

Department of Children and Families
The DCF Mission is "working together with families and communities for children who are healthy, safe, smart and strong." DCF has responsibility for coordinating the care of children with developmental disabilities.

Department of Social Services
DSS delivers and funds a wide range of programs and services as Connecticut’s multi-faceted health and human services agency. DSS supports the basic needs of children, families, older and other adults, including persons with disabilities.

Connect-ability: Employment resource for Persons with Disabilities
This DSS agency works to remove barriers that make it hard for job seekers with disabilities to find and keep jobs. The agency offers information, tools and technical assistance to job seekers and employers.

Birth Injury Justice Center
The Birth Injury Justice Center is dedicated to supporting anyone who has been affected by birth injuries, brain injuries, cerebral palsy, Erb’s palsy, and other developmental disabilities. We strive to provide answers and guidance to ensure that families receive the assistance that they need to help improve their overall quality of life.